6 must have eco-friendly products for 2019
So you want to help save the planet but your lazy… I get it me too. So here’s some quick products I use everyday that are not hard to implement and make a big difference!
For real, if you don’t have one by now its about time you get on it. You should be drinking 2 liters or half a gallon of water everyday. Owning a re-usable water bottle makes this so easy & can save A LOT money by not buying plastic water bottles. Bonus you can fill up almost everywhere for free. Some re-usable water bottles like the Hydroflask even keep water cold or hot. You really can’t loose by owning one, so please add it to your everyday bag and let’s save this planet together. My favorite reusable water bottle is the Hydroflask there are so many colors and options and they are very customizable with lids and straws so you can make it your own. Currently I own a Takeya they sell them everywhere and it comes with the smaller nozzle which I prefer & it’s slightly cheaper than the Hydroflask both are excellent products.
Look, I get it’s so easy to grab a plastic pair of utensils, undo the plastic wrap, and dig in to your food. Is it really that much harder grab your very own utensils from your bag and dig in that way? Plus you won’t have to deal with cheap plastic breaking as you eat your delicious food. Also to be honest, I prefer the feeling of a good sturdy utensil. One drawback yeah you have to wash them occasionally but you eliminate so much plastic use good for you! Throw one in your backpack or purse and you wont regret it.
Click image for the BEST price on amazon.
Here in California, we passed a law that eliminated single use plastic bags. That created another problem because now you can “buy” multi-use plastic bags for 10 cents each visit which defeats the purpose of getting rid of plastic bags in the first place. So instead of throwing your money away at these plastic bags which are terrible for the environment, invest in our collective future with a re-usable grocery bag that will last you many trips to the store. Some of the bags are insulated so they can keep your food hot or cold until you make it home which is awesome! Click here to get one for yourself.
Click image for the BEST price on amazon.
It wasn’t until this year that I knew these existed! Keep a few of these with your grocery bag & use them when you buy your fresh veggies or fruit. Click here to check out these handy re-usable produce bags.
Re-usable Coffee/Tea Mug
I love my tea & coffee, it’s how I like to start my mornings & I know I am not alone. Starbucks alone sells 4 billion cups every year. Wow, thats A LOT of trash that goes into our oceans & landfills. So do your part and get yourself a reusable coffee/tea mug. My favorite is the Zojirushi hot/cold mug. This could be a blog post on its own on how much I LOVE this thing. I searched Reddit on r/buyitforlife to see what would be the best one and last me forever. Everyone was raving about it and so far it has not disappointed. This mug is lightweight but still holds liquid hot or cold for many hours despite its size. Sometimes I like making tea in the evening before I go to bed. By the time I was up, my tea is the perfect temperature. Also when I go get my coffee at Starbucks or Philz I can keep my drink hotter or colder longer and not waste any plastic cups while I am doing it. Best 20 bucks I’ve spent in my whole life 10/10 recommend.
Luckily, you may already have these at home. A little trick I learned is to pack a few of these when going out to a restaurant for when you have some food left over. You can take it home you can pack it away in one of these glass containers. This makes lunch the next day super easy! Really the benefit here though is to limit our use of Styrofoam which is made from petroleum and can leak into your food, making it harmful to consume. Also, styrofoam does not biodegrade so unless you recycle it it will sit in a landfill forever or be eaten by some animal that is most likely to get sick. These are also great if you do any meal prepping your weekly meals. Get yours click here.
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