What is Acroyoga?

Acroyoga is a combination of a few different modalities its a blend of…

  • Yoga

  • Acrobatics

  • Thai Massage

In Acroyoga you typically have two people working together a Base and a Flyer and occasionally a Spotter. You work together to create shapes similar to yoga postures or asanas. These shapes can be fun, challenging or even relaxing. Acroyoga requires lots clear communication between everyone involved and a lot of trust! Most of all Acroyoga is fun to do with friends loved ones it builds a bond and physical connection which we so often miss out on in our day to day.

Lets talk more about the Base,Flyer and spotter.

Base - Your base is the one doing the heavy lifting in Acroyoga. The Base is the connection to the earth and supports the flyer in creating shapes and using their body to support the flyer and ensure they are safe.

Flyer - The flyer is the person being supported by the base. The flyer typically is not connected to the ground and is being supported by the bases body. The base usually uses feet and hands; however if your creative enough any part of the body can be used to support the flyer.

Spotter - The spotter is responsible for keeping things safe if the flyer falls out of a posture the spotter is there to catch or guide the flyer so they can fall safely; not hurting themselves or the base. Spotters are not required but are helpful when trying new moves or complicated sequences. Spotters also can often give an outside perspective to help if you are having trouble getting into a posture or sequence.

Do I need to be an Acrobat to try acroyoga?

No. Acroyoga yogis come in all sizes big, small and experience levels. Just because you are small doesn’t mean you can not base and if your big you can fly too. I find it best to work with someone of the same height and weight if possible. When working with someone of the same weight and height makes it easy to switch between flyer and base. There are advantages when basing someone larger than you it requires your technique to be perfect which can help you improve quickly.

Whats the difference between Solar and Lunar Acroyoga

  • Solar Acroyoga is dynamic involving more muscle and energy to create shapes and flowing movements

  • Lunar Acroyoga is similar to thai massage where the base will support the flyer to create more relaxing shapes and also help the flyer lengthen muscles and spine. Bases need love too! Flyers there are certain postures you can do to help release pressure from the bases low back. (ill write a blog post later about these movements)

Where do I start?

So you’ll want to find and attend a Jam in your area. These are typically outdoors at a local park and are usually free there is no formal training most communities are helpful just introduce yourself say you are new and people are usually open to helping newbies and teach you the basics. If your in the Orange County, Los Angeles or San Diego area. I currently host classes, workshops and privates classes. Most Acroyoga communities will have a facebook page so if you search acroyoga (city) on facebook you can find something and connect. The Community here in orange county is Acroyoga OC on facebook. I have also created a short and free youtube video that you can try at home link at the bottom of this post.

Do I need Partner to attend a Jam?

No but I encourage you to find one. Having a consistent acroyoga partner is a great way to improve your skills quickly.

Thanks for reading if you have any questions or any information to add please comment below or reach of via e-mail